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Raid Bases

NPC Raid Bases will spawn on the map and can be seen on the in game map (G).  Not all types of raids will naturally spawn.   

A raid base will be completed by either destroying/accessing the Tool Cupboard or by looting/accessing all boxes.  Upon completion a 5 min despawn timer will begin.  Each time you deal explosive damage to a building block of the raid that despawn timer will reset.  This allows the raiders to continue if they did not wish to complete the raid yet.

All who participate in a raid will get RP for completion of that raid divided equally among raiders.

The following tiers of raid bases are available on our servers:


  • PVE only
  • Naturally spawn on the map
  • Available all days of the wipe


  • PVE only
  • Naturally spawn on the map
  • Available all days of the wipe


  • PVE or PVP only.  Random chance for naturally spawned raids to be PVP.  This is simply a coin flip there is no set pattern or amount.  You can hover your mouse over the raid icon on the map to see if it is PVE or PVP.  There is also a warning on your screen when entering PVP raids.
  • Naturally spawn on the map
  • Available on the 2nd day of the wipe


  • PVE only
  • Naturally spawn on the map
  • Available starting on the 3rd day of the wipe


  • PVE only
  • Do not naturally spawn on the map must be purchased with /buyraid
  • Available on the 3rd day of the wipe


  • PVP only
  • These bases were originally player bases that have not logged back in and rather than purging the base it gets converted to a PVP raid base and loot is added from our raid base loot tables.

Player Raid

  • PVP only
  • These bases are  manually created using the /ar raidme command.  

PVE bases are locked to the first person to do explosive damage to a building block of the base.  A raid in progress by another player will show their name when hovering your mouse over the map icon.  Anyone not on their team will be ejected from the raid bubble.

PVP bases are free for all and PVP rules are in effect. 

Abandoning a PVE raid for a period of time can result in the raid unlocking and becoming public again at which time another player can come along and lock it.  If you let your raid go inactive you will still get lockout timers and cannot start another raid until the one you abandoned gets completed or naturally despawns.  


Raid leaderboards can be viewed with /rb ladder or /rb lifetime.  Each wipe the top raider from the previous wipe will have a custom title in chat [Top Raider]

Raids locked to a player and their team can be purchased through /buyraid

Buyraid Costs






100 Zeds

250 Zeds

500 Zeds

1,500 Zeds

5,000 Zeds

Cooldown: 15m

Cooldown: 30m

Cooldown: 45m

Cooldown: 2h

Cooldown: 10h

Abandoned Player Base

  • Failing to login for a period of time will result in your base being converted into a raid base if it meets the minimum requirements, otherwise it will be purged.
  • Login absence (9-12 day wipes): default 4 days | VIP 5 days | Veteran 6 days
  • Login absence (monthly wipes): default 8 days | VIP 16 days | Veteran 24 days
    (note: you must be online for more than 5 minutes for the plugin to check and record your active status.  Any rank higher than Veteran runs off the Veteran timer)
  • This will not affect an active clan base as long as at least one clan member has been online despite who built which parts of that base.
  • Empty boxes are populated with raid base loot and original base loot persists

Converting your base into a PVP Raid Base

  • Gather a Runestone (bought in /s store).
  • Do not use more than one TC or any high external walls in your build.
  • There cannot be another TC or sleeping bag of yours within 150m in all directions.
  • Bases must include multiple empty boxes for loot to spawn in.
  • All turrets/traps must be wired, armed, and stocked with fuel or ammo.
  • Complex bases will increase your gain of RP for defending them and will also spawn more loot as our plugin calculates your base tier and populates it in the same manner it does our NPC bases.
  • There is a maximum size so do not go overboard. (a good rule of thumb is that a base around the same size as our expert raids will likely be rejected by the plugin)
  • Stand close to your TC, look at it, and type /ar raidme.  Proceed through the confirmation warning.
  • Converted bases are always PVP.  The raid will function the same as all other PVP raid bases.
  • If anyone builds or deploys within the bubble these can be destroyed and will despawn when the raid is completed.
  • As with all PVP backpacks will drop on death and can be looted.
  • Players leaving the bubble can still be attacked for 2 minutes to prevent "bubble skirting".
  • The base despawn timer (default 45m) resets when a piece of the base is hit with explosive damage.
  • Once all boxes have been accessed or the TC destroyed the raid will begin the 5 min despawn timer as with normal raids.
  • There is a maximum limit of player raidable bases allowed at once and creating one has a long cooldown timer.
  • You are providing content for other players with your raid base.  Be sure to put some effort into it!

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