There are numerous ways to receive enchanted items or enchantment kits. They can be obtained by looting, special methods, or recycling. Special methods can include receiving enchantment kits or scrolls via custom loot such as Zombie Hordes, Trivia, Voting, etc.
- All players have a very small chance of finding enchanted loot in vanilla Rust loot containers (crates, barrels, etc.)
- Using the skill Diamond in the Rough from /st will greatly increase the chances of finding enchanted loot
- Higher tier crates have a higher base chance of dropping enchanted loot, lower tier crates have a lower base chance
- Enchanted loot can easily be identified as it will be pre-skinned with a custom skin (on skinnable item types). You will also see chat feedback.
- Players have a very small chance of receiving an Enchantment Kit when recycling an enchanted item.
- Using the skill Refurbish from /st increases those chances, with a max of 100% chance.
- The enchantment kit you receive will be that of which was already on the item but with a random potency. This is how you can move enchantments around between items.
Additional Info
- Some custom content such as Zombie Hordes or Raid Bases can drop Scrolls
- Other means for obtaining random enchantment kits can include voting, trivia, level milestones, online donation store, etc.
- Random enchantment kits are completely random. The enchantment type and power of the enchantment are both RNG
- More specific enchantment kits can be obtained from more difficult objectives such as quests.
- A lot of enchantments are specific to items or item types. Be sure to check the list below to see a generalized listing of what sort of items can hold specific enchantments
- To see your current enchanted items (they must be equipped) click the bag icon at the top left of your screen or type /ench. The icon only appears when you have enchanted gear equipped (clothing, armor, etc.) or the enchanted item selected on your hotbar (weapons, tools, etc.)