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Players have the ability to form clans.  Clans have their own chat channel and in game chat tag in front of their members' names.  ld (not updated since x days ) clans are automatically purged.

Chat Commands:

/clan - Clan overview
/clan help - Shows the commands and information on using those commands
/c <message> - Clan chat
/cinfo - Information about other clans

/clan leave - Leave the clan you are currently in

Clan Owner Commands

/clan invite <name> - Invite a player to your clan

/clan withdraw <name> - Revoke the clan invitation

/clan kick <name> - Kick a player from your clan
/clan promote <name> - Promote a clan member to clan moderator
/clan promote <name> - Demote a clan moderator to clan member
/clan disband forever  - Completely disband your clan

Clan Moderator Commands

/clan invite <name> - Invite a player to your clan

/clan withdraw <name> - Revoke the clan invitation
/clan kick <name> - Kick a player from your clan

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