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Fresh Spawn
Fresh Spawn
This is the default fresh spawn kit. When a player has no higher tier spawn kits available they will spawn in with these items.
Fresh Spawn VIP
VIP Fresh Spawn
This is the default fresh spawn kit for players with VIP rank. These are of limited use in a time period, once a player has spawned beyond those uses they will spawn with the next kit (Fresh)
Fresh Spawn Veteran
Vet Fresh Spawn
This is the default fresh spawn kit for players with Veteran rank. These are of limited use in a time period, once a player has spawned beyond those uses they will spawn with the next kit (VIP)
Available to all players of all ranks. It can be claimed two times per wipe.
Available to all players of all ranks. It can be claimed once per 24 hours.
Granted to players that Nitro boost the Discord server. Claimable once every 7 days.
Granted for linking your discord and steam accounts via /link. It can be claimed once per wipe.
Terminus Intro
Terminus Intro
Available to players their first time playing on the Terminus server to let players get used to that unique play style.
VIP Gold
Available to players with 20+ hours of active playtime. Claimable once per wipe. Playtime resets on force wipe.
Available to players with 60+ hours of active playtime. Claimable once per wipe. Playtime resets on force wipe.
VIP Gold
Daily kit available to those who obtain the donor rank of VIP Gold. Donor ranks last 30 days regardless of wipe.
Veteran Gold
Veteran Gold
Daily kit available to those who obtain the donor rank of Veteran Gold. Donor ranks last 30 days regardless of wipe.
Once per wipe kit awarded to both top voter and top donor ranks.
New Player PVP Day Starter Base
PVP Starter Base
Available to players with less than 4 total hours on Zombie Land servers while PVP day is active. Claimable one time.
New Player PVP Day
PVP New Player
Available to players with less than 4 total hours on Zombie Land servers while PVP day is active. Claimable unlimited times with 5 min cooldown.
Miner Delux
Miner Deluxe
A booster kit available through our online store. Cannot be claimed via /kit and is directly placed into the player inventory upon purchase.
Builder Delux
Builder Deluxe
A booster kit available through our online store. Cannot be claimed via /kit and is directly placed into the player inventory upon purchase.
Master Electrician
Master Electrician
A booster kit available through our online store. Cannot be claimed via /kit and is directly placed into the player inventory upon purchase.
Halloween Decor
Halloween Decor
A booster kit available through our online store. Cannot be claimed via /kit and is directly placed into the player inventory upon purchase.
Easter Decor
Easter Decor
A booster kit available through our online store. Cannot be claimed via /kit and is directly placed into the player inventory upon purchase.
Christmas Decor
Xmas Decorations
A booster kit available through our online store. Cannot be claimed via /kit and is directly placed into the player inventory upon purchase.
Power Hour
Power Hour
Special kit only available during the final few hours of the wipe. It has unlimited uses and is meant for all players to enjoy and let loose while finishing the last few hours of the wi
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